¿Sabes que puedes convertir ese “defecto” que tienes en un arma de seducción? ¡Esto es lo que los hombres piensan al respecto! Así que sácale provecho para volverte una “femme fatale”.
¿Cuál es tu reacción?
Holding degrees in engineering and law, with experience and expertise in design, digital marketing, social media, photography, languages, gastronomy, and information technology, she had the opportunity to blend her passions in a dynamic, creative, and multicultural work environment. After 10 years as an Area Manager and editorial manager at Receitas sem Fronteiras website (Webedia Group and Groupe SEB), she made the decision, alongside her friends, to launch My Super News! - a multilingual website with a singular goal: to provide positive, simple and useful content that helps, entertains, and engages audiences from various countries.