Mens sana in corpore sano: you can gain the same wisdom and live better

brown egg on white paper towel
14 (riskless ) foods you can eat after the expiration date

The expiration date is often indicative data, so before throwing away “good food,” think twice!…

Sprinkling Salt on Raw Meat red meat
Here’s what happens to your body once you stop eating red meat

Maybe some of your friends have stopped eating meat, you’re thinking about doing the same,…

Young hispanic girl wearing neoprene scuba diving uniform smelling something stinky and disgusting, intolerable odor, holding breath with fingers on nose. bad smell
Foods that cause you gas: if you know them, you avoid them

When your belly fills with gas, it can be hard to keep from making noise!…

18 Emotional Regulation skills to learn to reverse negative emotions and find peace

Emotional Regulation allows you to monitor, evaluate and modulate your emotional reactions, whether positive or negative.

7 ways to turn honey into the most potent natural pain reliever for gastric reflux

There are seven ways to use honey as a powerful natural pain reliever for acid reflux and stomach acid.

science cover
These 10 great scientists always believed in God

Some of the greatest scientists in history believed in God. Their testimony makes us reflect on how science and religion could and perhaps should advance together.

brown and white stone fragment pizza
These dinner foods are now forbidden, if you want to lose weight

A global study carried out across 30 countries, finds 45% of people globally say that they are…

woman standing front of vegetables and fruits grocery store supermarket
9 common foods you should stop buying at the grocery store

Some of the most common foods in supermarkets are to be avoided. These are 100%…

yoga, meditation, pose
Why do people meditate for 3,000 years? 21 wonderful (yet scientific ) reasons for doing the same

Have you ever wondered why meditation had been around for thousands of years? Because it…

20 things that happen when you eat bananas every day

Bananas contain many vitamins and mineral salts, to the point of being considered one of the healthiest fruits. Eating them regularly offers wonderful benefits for health, mood, and beauty.