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“Zombie Scrolling” has important effects on your mind and body (few know them )

Where there's a will, there's a way!


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“Zombie Scrolling” has important effects on your mind and body (few know them )

  • Scrolling endlessly has effects that should not be underestimated on good mental and physical health
  • Because more and more often, we let ourselves be sucked into our smartphone
  • Getting rid of this addiction is not difficult, making us appreciate life more
smartphone cellular social media scrolling psychology

Spending more and more time on social media is becoming a habit for many people of all ages. The algorithms and the design of the most popular apps in the world are increasingly refined, captivating, and compelling in constantly offering us new content based on our habits and what we seem to like best. Almost without realizing it, you end up scrolling like zombies, constantly waiting to receive new notifications, comments, or likes.

More and more research shows the psychological effects, both positive and negative, associated with using social networks: they should not be underestimated.

So find out what happens to your brain when you scroll and what happens when you leave the phone aside: visit the Gallery!

Souce: AsapSCIENCEAmerican Psychological AssociationPew Research Center

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