
Your pets deserve the best; here, you will find everything you need to know about your pets.

European Shorthair Cat on a Woven Basket
Sweet signs your cat loves you (a lot )

Like humans, each cat has its personality and characteristics; some are more expansive and quickly…

pet, dog, girl, hand, happy, home, house
10 professional ways to make (and keep ) cats and dogs happy at home

Animal behaviorists help us with some practical strategies to increase the well-being of our best friends, making them feel more considered, engaged, and happy!

gray cat behind a tree trunk
7 unquestionably good reasons to have a cat

If you’ve wanted a cat for a long time but still aren’t convinced it’s a good idea, or if you’re having trouble convincing your parents or husband or wife, your problems end here! Having a cat is a wonderful thing that changes the life of every family for the better.

black cat with green eyes
Why are black cats considered bad luck?

Who has never heard that a black cat brings bad luck? This popular belief is…

person holding brown and black airedale terrier puppy licking ice cream on cone
Careful These foods can even kill your cat or dog

Alimentos perigosos para cães e gatos, cuide bem do seu pet!