man and woman sitting at table
10 things you should never do on a first date

There are foods and situations you should avoid to increase your chances of maintaining the relationship during a first date!

woman riding on back of man
5 female “flaws” that (however) men adore

Do you know that you can turn that “defect” you have into a weapon of…

silhouette of hugging couple
These are the scientific (and wonderful ) effects of love on your body

How to scientifically explain something seemingly irrational like love? It is not a simple task.…

woman in red long sleeve shirt carrying baby in green jacket
What kind of mother are you? Your star sign gives you the answer…

Each person has characteristics related to their zodiac sign; for mothers, it is the same thing: some are more affectionate, others more demanding, and still others incurable and playful.

a potted plant sitting on a window sill kitchen basil plant
Is your basil always dying? Maybe you make these 5 common mistakes

Basil is perhaps the queen of aromatic herbs in the kitchen thanks to its versatility,…

European Shorthair Cat on a Woven Basket
Sweet signs your cat loves you (a lot )

Like humans, each cat has its personality and characteristics; some are more expansive and quickly…

woman in the living room smiling
10 easy Feng Shui principles to use for an instantly happier home

In Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of designing and furnishing a home, there are universal rules and principles that, when applied, can make any home more comfortable. Thus increasing, day after day, the well-being of those who live there.

photo of assorted items on a wooden table
These 10 surefire tips will help you travel more, saving money

Do you have wanderlust and wondering how to remedy it now that traveling the world…

Zodiac Signs
The 4 most incompatible zodiac couples for a relationship

The stars have spoken, so you avoid repeating mistakes in a relationship. Do you know…

man looking at the television sit on a couch with popcorns
The best movie for you based on your zodiac sign

Depending on your zodiac sign, you will love an action movie more than a romantic or drama movie. Find out which movie best ties into your zodiac sign.