The first step to achieving an ideal financial position is to take control of your money. Too often, we don’t think about how we spend our money and are controlled by it. In this way, we disperse resources that, little by little, can make a difference in everyday life or in realizing the projects we care about most.
Take the first step toward controlling your money; discover these 21 simple and effective ways to save money: visit the Gallery!
Control your money
The first step to achieving an ideal financial position is to take control of your money. Too often, we don't think about how we spend our money and are controlled by it. In this way, we disperse resources that, little by little, can make a difference in everyday life or in realizing the projects we care about most.
Take the first step toward controlling your money; discover these 21 simple and effective ways to save money: click on the arrows of the photo to continue reading.
Source: © Freepik / drobotdeanThe winning habits
To control your money, you need to understand what virtuous behaviors are to put them into practice in everyday life.
The results are guaranteed and are built one step, one day, at a time.
You'll be surprised how much you'll save by putting even half of it into practice.
Source: © Freepik / rawpixel.com1. The 50/30/20 rule
An example of an effective strategy is the 50/30/20 Method suggested by Senator Elizabeth Warren, Bankruptcy Expert at Harvard University.
This is a simple breakdown of your budget into three parts.
50% should be reserved for essential expenses such as mortgage, rent, and running costs.
30% should be reserved for optional expenses, i.e., those expenses relating to going out to the cinema, restaurant, shopping, etc.
The last 20% should be reserved for paying debts and savings.
Doing so will give you a safe framework to refer to and underlie. Nasty surprises will be minimized while confidence and serenity will increase.
Source: © unsplash / Towfiqu barbhuiya2. Management of small banknotes
Whenever you find small denomination banknotes in your pocket, you put them aside in an envelope or a piggy bank.
At the end of the year, you will find a nice nest egg of money to use as a reward or to settle a debt.
Source: © unsplash / micheile henderson3. Shorten your shower time
Shortening the duration of your shower will save you money on bills.
Water is an irreplaceable resource; we should always consume as little as possible, not only for economic and ecological reasons.
Source: © Pexels / Karolina Grabowska4. The 1/5 miles rule
This rule is one of our favorites because of the many benefits it promises.
When leaving the house, get used to measuring the distance you will have to travel. Objective: not to use the car.
If the distance you have to travel is less than 1.5 miles, choose to go on foot.
If you have to go 1.5 to 7 miles, choose to ride a bike.
In both cases, you will gain health and good humor, saving money (the environment will thank you too!)
Source: © Pexels / Kara De Leos5. Summer gym
During the summer (and possibly spring), interrupt your gym membership and organize yourself to train in the open air.
It is likely that your city has areas equipped for physical exercise.
Source: © unsplash / Birk Enwald6. Breakfast at home
Minimize the breakfast bar, and you will see your savings grow.
Eating breakfast at home allows you to eat better, filling up with the nutrients you need most.
Source: © unsplash / Isumi Daizy7. Lunch at the office
As with breakfast at the bar, lunch out during the week also impacts our budget.
Arrange to bring your lunch and watch your savings soar.
Source: © Pexels / Towfiqu barbhuiya8. Zero Based Budgeting
Another effective strategy is to establish a fixed spending and savings budget.
Expect to spend 70% of your income by setting aside 30%.
The method is simple, always keep space for the unexpected.
Source: © Pexels / Karolina Grabowska9. Check your subscriptions
Make a list of subscribed subscriptions and choose those you can do without (or which you already do without hardly ever using them).
Then cancel your subscriptions, and you will automatically save money.
Source: © unsplash / Oscar Nord10. Use the envelope system
This system will allow you to save a lot of money and get into the habit of saving.
It consists of getting 100 envelopes on which you will write numbers from 1 to 100.
Then, twice a week, you must take an envelope and insert the money corresponding to that number.
At the end of the year, how much money will you have saved? Do the math!
Source: © Pexels / Towfiqu barbhuiya11. How much does it cost time?
When you feel like buying something costly, think about how many hours it will take to earn that amount.
You will be surprised to find that, for example, you would have to work more than 100 hours to buy a recent cell phone model.
Go for something less expensive and save.
Source: © unsplash / Melanie Pongratz12. Choose the right time to buy
Unless there are real needs, wait for the sales to go shopping. The savings will be huge.
Source: © Pexels / Karolina Grabowska13. Weekly menu
Drawing up a weekly menu in advance will bring a double benefit.
On the one hand, you can decide what to eat, thus improving your diet.
Conversely, you can avoid wasting and losing time and money.
Source: © unsplash / Torbjørn Helgesen14. Calculate how much you are spending
Try to keep track of the shopping you are doing mentally. This way, you will know how to eliminate the extra and not exceed your budget.
Source: © unsplash / Jennifer Gentner15. Buy vegetables in bulk
Buy vegetables in bulk and not already cut or cleaned. The price difference is often high.
Source: © unsplash / PHÚC LONG16. Go shopping on a full stomach
This is a fundamental trick! It has been proven that those who shop on an empty stomach are induced to buy more than they need, "inspired" by their hunger!
Source: © Pexels / Greta Hoffman17. Unplug
Always unplug appliances or chargers you are not using (mobile phone, TV, vacuum cleaner, etc.). They constantly consume energy that you do not use.
Source: © unsplash / Kelly Sikkema18. Compare offers and plans
You can save on your fixed expenses by comparing the offers of the various operators on the market. It is very likely that, based on your consumption habits, you will find more convenient plans.
Source: © unsplash / John Schnobrich19. Energy efficiency
When you have the heating on, try to eliminate heat loss. Close windows and doors tightly and change them if necessary.
Better thermal insulation means more significant savings.
Source: © unsplash / Brett Jordan20. Use public transport
Choosing public transport instead of your car saves petrol and therefore money.
Source: © unsplash / Euan CameronWhat's Your Reaction?
Passionate about spirituality, books and cinema, these last 10 years he's been dedicating himself to spreading positive and nourishing contents for the body, mind and spirit. As a good Italian he knows what is good to eat and how to truly live a "dolce vita"!