The first date, an invitation to dinner, an aperitif, a dance… did you know that there are foods and situations you should avoid to increase your chances of maintaining the relationship?! Check it out…
The perfect first date
First date, an invitation to dinner, an aperitif, a club... you're super interested, everything seems to be going well, but when you start talking more closely, your partner apologizes and "runs away"! You don't understand what happened and wonder, what happened? Nothing but that dish you ordered and that left you with that "mummy's breath"...
So, to avoid this unpleasant situation, follow our advice, avoid these enemies of good breath, and enjoy a date that is finally and only pleasant.
Over time, if the date doesn't go well, these tips can (and should!) be used to ward off an unwanted suitor!
Source: © unsplash / Jarritos Mexican Soda1. Fish sauces
Very common in oriental cuisine, fish and seafood sauces are cruel to your breath and deadly to your first date! Get away from them!
Source: © unsplash / Addilyn Ragsdill @clockworklemon.com2. Leek and green onion
Cool looking, friendly and harmless, but that's just the appearance. The breath you exhale after eating chives or leeks will repel everyone, especially if eaten raw.
Source: © unsplash / Christopher Previte3. Onion
Onion has the same problem as chives; only it's much worse... in its case, don't even think about eating it or cutting it, not even for lunch. They're "dangerous" in cooked dishes, but raw in salads, they'll be a "problem" for your date!
Source: © unsplash / Paul Magdas4. Cheeses
Some cheeses are not that problematic, but other so-called strong cheeses such as Gorgonzola, Roquefort, and Camembert can complicate your after-dinner demands.
Opt for milder cheeses if necessary, but if it's a cheese and wine night, no problem; you'll both have the same breath!
Source: © unsplash / Jez Timms5. Cigarette
Well, cigarettes are to be avoided in any situation, both for health, the smell, and the price. It doesn't change for the first date; if the cigarette already scares the people around you who aren't even with you, imagine your date?!
By the way, no cigars or pipes!
Source: © unsplash / Andres Siimon6. Beer
The gas produced in the stomach after a beer is not pleasant, not to mention the noise! So, order a glass of wine, which is also safer in addition to being more refined!
Source: © unsplash / Gerrie van der Walt7. Empty stomach
When your stomach is empty, stomach bacteria proliferate more easily, and the aroma you exude can be scary, so never go on a date on an empty stomach!
Source: © Pexels / Kindel Media8. Curry
Indian food is delicious, and curry dishes are usually super tasty, but when it comes to a first date, avoid it! Its perfume will be felt from a distance; think about the moment of the kiss...!
Source: © unsplash / Jason Leung9. Tuna
All fish have a strong smell, but not all are dangerous for your date… However, tuna, especially canned, has a strong odor after being digested, even more when it comes to dishes that use pickles and seasonings strong.
Watch out for the anchovy pizzas too!
Source: © unsplash / Eiliv Aceron10. Garlic
Garlic is by far the food best known for its aroma; it is no coincidence that legend has it that it scares even vampires!
You might even think it's not all that dangerous; it's used a lot in cooking, but after being chewed and swallowed, it will drive away even those who love you the most! So, avoid garlic dishes on your first date or even before!
Source: © unsplash / ji jiali